

Completely New Orleans.com is designed, built and maintained by Richard Bienvenu and Patrick Quince, dyed-in-the-wool natives of the Crescent City, both born and raised here on the banks of the beautiful, meandering, mysterious and sometimes ghostly Mississippi River.


Although they have both lived in other places, the magic and that strange otherness that attracts people to the city so, pulled them both back from foreign climes specifically the Pacific Northwest, Los Angeles, Spain, Israel, Greece and Turkey. Both were here for the Hurricane Katrina milestone that damaged the city terribly but also in many ways gave the city a fresh start.


Both are The Staff when you see the byline of any post. Both are experienced writers and Richard is a well-regarded musician, singer/songwriter.


They put this site together out of a love for the city and also to provide a resource for visitors who want to experience the best of New Orleans.


You notice that we do not post tons of recommendations. We wanted to provide those place that people who live here would most likely visit and patronize. That does not mean there are tons of other great restaurants and bars and music places and museums and such. There are! We just didn’t want to provide a website experience that was overwhelming with recommendations that it would make the visitors’ eyes glaze over.


Thanks for visiting!! And hope you have a great time in the Crescent City. We have a great time living here and being part of the amazing place!