Are New Orleans streetcars air conditioned?

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One of the great things about riding the St Charles streetcar is that it is not air conditioned. Even in the summer time when it can get pretty hot here when the streetcar takes off and the windows are open you get a really nice breeze and you can hang out the window and look at all the beautiful homes going by. Now, there are newer streetcars that roll on Canal Street and the spur that goes to City Park.


These are the red streetcars that yes are air conditioned. The only drawback is that the windows are always closed. So even though it is more comfortable as far as the weather goes, you miss the wonderful feeling of the windows being open with and nice breeze blowing through as the streetcar barrels along. Are there plans to air condition the older green streetcars?


I do not know of any plans to do that and I hope that never happens because part of the wonder of these is being able to hang out the window and be part of the atmosphere rather than being behind glass the whole time. There is something about the open windows that gives you a feeling of connection to the passing scenary.