St. Charles Avenue Streetcar​

St Charles streetcar


There are 2 major streetcar lines in the city: the Canal Street Line which goes from downtown out to the cemeteries and a spur that goes to City Park, and the St. Charles line which goes from downtown through uptown and the Garden District all the way to the Carrollton area.


When you hop on a St. Charles streetcar you are hopping onto history. In fact, this streetcar line is the oldest in the world and is on the national register of historic places.


And the real treasure of riding one of these is getting a gander of the wonderful homes on the avenue, some first class hotels and riding beneath old oaks and palm trees.


You’ll also pass by neighborhoods that are full of excellent places to eat, many right on the avenue and others just a few blocks off the line.


Some standout places along the way:

  • The Ponchartrain Hotel (restaurant/bar),
  • Commander’s Palace Restaurant (2 blocks off the line)
  • Superior Grill,
  • The Columns Hotel (restaurant/bar),
  • The Chloe Hotel (restaurant/bar),
  • Tulane and Loyola Universities,
  • Audubon Park and Zoo,
  • Parkway Guest House (and bar),
  • the Riverbend Area and Maple Street Area with excellent restaurants such as Brigsten’s,
  • Oak Street with several bars and restaurants most notably the famous music venue Maple Leaf Bar, and the excellent Jacques Imo’s restaurant.


The streetcars on St. Charles are not air-conditioned because they were built before there was such a thing. But in the summer with the windows open as the streetcar barrels down the track there is more than enough breeze to keep you cool.


Some of the streetcars are equipped for those in a wheelchair. The fare is $1.25. You can pay cash (has to be exact change) and you can also get a smart phone app to pay for your ride. The app also tells you when a streetcar will arrive at your stop.


Here are some more ideas about what to see and do on the line: