Specialty Vehicles



The specialty vehicles in New Orleans are not like the ones you find in other cities. They are often used to offer tours or provide transportation to people who need it.



New Orleans is a tourist destination, so there are many specialty vehicles that can get you around the city. These include horse-drawn carriages and vintage cars, among others. One of the really fun ones are those like look like streetcars as in the photo above. Or about getting around in a Rolls Royce. Now there is class for you!


Of course the streetcar-like vehicle would be perfect for parties and groups of friends and family members. And also great for weddings. Perfect as well if you are at some kind of convention or business meeting and you want to take your colleagues for a great tour of the city or a way to get to a restaurant or some other event. And of course if you have a smaller group why not just get them around in a Rolls Royce. That would be sure to impress.


If you are looking for something completely different, quirky, cool, and fun then a specialty vehicle could be the way to go. Remember, you will need to call and set these up in advance because they are extremely desirable.


For specialty vehicles in New Orleans and for really great safe service try these excellent businesses: